Celebrating by design

As the holiday season approaches, take a moment to think about the ways you can follow your own energy and not be swayed by others’ expectations.

After all, the holidays are what you make of them, and everyone has a unique perspective based on their own life experiences. From childhood to grandparenthood, spreading love and appreciation knows no boundaries.

So, discover your own meaning and light during this season, and let's explore each profile with an affirmation of how you might want to spend this holiday season.

Line 1 (1/3, 1/4, 4/1, or 5/1)

I am joyfully discovering holiday gifts, places to hang out, games to play, and where or what to eat.

Line 2 (2/4, 2/5, 5/2, or 6/2)

I am inspired to create a creative project or activity that brings a smile to the faces of others.

Line 3 (1/3, 3/5, 3/6, or 6/3)

I am open to whatever comes my way and trust that I will be in the right mood when the time comes.

Line 4 (1/4, 2/4, 4/6, or 4/1)

I am thrilled to spend quality time with my loved ones, including those I haven't connected with in a while. It's an amazing opportunity to catch up, strengthen our bonds, and make exciting plans together for the upcoming year.

Line 5 (2/5, 3/5, 5/1, or 5/2)

I embrace the spirit of the holiday season by trying something new and switching things up. Whether it's making travel plans, organizing a new gift swap game, or engaging in a fun holiday activity, I am open to new experiences and creating joyful moments during this season.

Line 6 (3/6, 4/6, 6/2, or 6/3)

I embrace the current season of my life with openness and curiosity, trusting myself to navigate through the holidays and find joy. If I'm in a reflective season, I honor my need for rest and find joy in others' happiness. If I'm in an active season, I confidently choose what aligns with my desires and let go of what doesn't serve me. I affirm that I am in control of creating a holiday experience that resonates with my true self.

However, you choose to spend this holiday season, expressing gratitude and showering love upon others (and yourself!) is a year-long adventure. It's not a destination reserved for the holiday season.


Animal Archetype by Design Pt I.


Gifting by design